Are your strategies built for extraordinary results?

The AgriThority® 3-phase facilitated strategic planning process requires factual Analysis, generates Alignment among key opinion leaders while building strategic imperatives and defining Actions for High-Impact Execution. Implementation of focused and timely action elements assigned by person is paramount. 

Audit and AnalysisAnalysis includes internal facts and stats along with industry audits and market surveys. Building on traditional market research, AgriThority® analyzes information from many sources and augments with surveys to document specific industry needs or trends. The reports can include key player profiles, competitive positioning, product uses or application trends as well as perceptions of producers, their suppliers or the core influencers in each market. Often this step challenges conventional wisdom or identifies core issues to be resolved. 

Align Strategic DirectionAligning key leaders occurs through facilitated brainstorming exercises and organized collaboration. Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is not enough. Consolidating opinions leads to strong specific strategic imperatives to move the company forward. Allowing equal voices from employees and leaders also builds trust and understanding. 

Actions with AccountabilityAction Planning must have strong commitment and communication at all levels of the organization. Accountability and alignment of roles, expectations and timing can transform vision into a powerful roadmap toward success. This plan also has review and tracking steps for regular evaluation and adaptation as milestones are met or markets evolve. 


“My experience with AgriThority and individuals on the AgriThority team goes back to 2006. Over the years, and across multiple companies from fortune 250 to startups, they have supported our business and product development efforts. This has included strategic planning and facilitation, innovative technology sourcing and vetting, as well as field development trials for market expansion. In all cases the AgriThority team was extremely knowledgeable, well-prepared to challenge conventional wisdom and results-oriented. Their facilitated strategic planning process was effective at not only building vital strategies with achievable action plans, but most importantly, building consensus and understanding within the teams. I appreciate this company and their commitment to filling gaps and truly partnering with their clients to achieve results.” Josh Krenz , CEO Vivid Life Sciences

Clear direction speeds decision-making and builds confidence to move forward at all levels of any organization.  Let us help you build consensus to drive your strategic plan toward success. 

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Download our brochure here. 

When your agricultural technology is moving from Research into Development or into new markets,  AgriThority has the technical expertise to supplement or expand your internal capabilities for scientific business, market and product expertise. 

With internationally recognized leaders connected to more than 300 local specialists in a worldwide network, we bring deep experience testing more than 170 new technologies across 1500+ field trial locations for 180+ multi-national, mid-size and start-up companies.    

Wherever you want to explore, we are your native guides.   

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