Biostimulants: A Comprehensive Guide

Biostimulants are substances or microorganisms applied to plants with the aim of enhancing nutrition efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance, and/or crop quality traits, regardless of their nutrient content. Unlike traditional fertilizers, biostimulants do not directly supply nutrients but rather improve the plant’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients already available in the soil. They work through various mechanisms including stimulating plant growth, enhancing soil fertility, and fostering beneficial soil microbial communities.

Biostimulants can be derived from a variety of natural sources such as plant extracts, algae extracts, seaweeds, composts, and microbial inoculants. They are gaining popularity in sustainable agriculture due to their potential to improve plant health and resilience while minimizing environmental impact.

What is a Biostimulant Fertilizer?

Biostimulant fertilizers are products that combine the effects of biostimulants and traditional fertilizers. These products contain essential nutrients for plant growth, along with biostimulant components that enhance the efficiency of nutrient uptake and utilization for plant growth. The primary purpose of biostimulant fertilizers is to provide an integrated approach to plant nutrition and health.

For example, a biostimulant fertilizer may include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (the primary macronutrients) along with humic acids or seaweed extracts that enhance root development and nutrient absorption. The integration of biostimulants into fertilizers can lead to better plant growth, improve yields, and increased resistance to stress conditions like drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures.

Sources of Natural Biostimulants

Making biostimulants can be a straightforward process, depending on the source. Here are a few common processing methods:

  1. Seaweed Extracts: Seaweed biostimulants can be made by collecting seaweed, rinsing it to remove salt, and then processing it through drying, grinding, and extracting with water or alcohol. The extract can be diluted and used as a foliar spray or soil drench.
  2. Compost Teas: Compost teas are made by steeping compost in water, often with the addition of microbial food sources like molasses. This process extracts beneficial microorganisms and soluble nutrients, creating a liquid that can be applied to plants to enhance growth and soil health.
  3. Humic and Fulvic Acids: These acids can be extracted from humus-rich materials like leonardite, Humalite, or compost. The extraction process typically involves treating the material with an alkaline solution, followed by filtration and purification.
  4. Microbial Inoculants: Beneficial microbes such as mycorrhizal fungi, rhizobacteria, and nitrogen-fixing bacteria can be cultured and applied to plants or soil. These microorganisms enhance nutrient availability and promote plant growth through symbiotic relationships.

Are Biostimulants Better for the Environment?

Biostimulants are generally considered better for the environment compared to synthetic fertilizers. They offer several environmental benefits that contribute to sustainable agricultural practices and the overall health of ecosystems.

  1. Reduced Synthetic Chemical Use
    One of the primary environmental benefits of biostimulants is their ability to reduce the reliance on chemical fertilizers. This reduction has several positive outcomes:

    • Lower Chemical Runoff: Excessive use of synthetic fertilizers can cause runoff into nearby water bodies, causing water quality degradation and harming aquatic life. By reducing the need for these chemicals, biostimulants help minimize this runoff.
    • Decreased Soil Contamination: Chemical fertilizers can accumulate in the soil, leading to long-term contamination and degradation of soil health. Biostimulants, being more natural and biodegradable, help maintain a cleaner soil environment.
    • Reduced Pesticide Resistance: Overuse of pesticides can lead to the development of resistant pest populations. Biostimulants can enhance plant health and resistance to pests, reducing the need for frequent pesticide applications and thus mitigating the risk of resistance.
    • Reduced ground water contamination: chemical fertilizers are more likely to leach into groundwater while some biostimulants can regulate the rate of release to reduce over-application of fertilizer.
  2. Improved Soil Health
    Biostimulants contribute significantly to soil health by enhancing soil microbial activity and increasing organic matter content:

    • Enhanced Microbial Activity: Many biostimulants, such as microbial inoculants and compost teas, introduce beneficial microorganisms into the soil. These microbes improve nutrient cycling, enhance soil structure, and suppress soil-borne pathogens.
    • Increased Organic Matter: Biostimulants derived from organic sources like compost, humic substances, and plant extracts add organic matter to the soil. This organic matter improves soil structure, water retention, and nutrient-holding capacity, creating a more fertile and resilient soil environment.
  3. Enhanced Stress Tolerance
    Biostimulants improve the resilience of plants to various environmental stresses, which has a cascading positive effect on environmental sustainability:

    • Drought Tolerance: By enhancing root growth and water uptake efficiency, biostimulants help plants withstand drought conditions. This reduces the need for irrigation and conserves water resources.
    • Salinity Tolerance: Some biostimulants can help plants tolerate high salinity levels, making it possible to cultivate crops in saline soils without the need for soil amendments that could disrupt the soil ecosystem.
    • Temperature Extremes: Biostimulants can improve plant resilience to temperature fluctuations, reducing the impact of heatwaves or frosts on crop productivity and minimizing crop losses.
  4. Lower Carbon Footprint
    Biostimulants generally have a lower carbon footprint compared to synthetic fertilizers and pesticides for several reasons:

    • Renewable Resources: Many biostimulants are derived from renewable natural resources such as seaweed, plant extracts, and compost. This contrasts with the production of synthetic fertilizers, which often rely on fossil fuels and energy-intensive processes.
    • Energy Efficiency: The production processes for biostimulants typically require less energy than those for synthetic chemicals. For example, composting and microbial culturing are less energy-intensive compared to the synthesis of nitrogen fertilizers.
    • Carbon Sequestration: By promoting healthier, more organic-rich soils, biostimulants can enhance the soil’s ability to sequester carbon, thus contributing to the mitigation of climate change.

Biostimulant Natural Sources

Many biostimulants are derived from natural sources, such as plant extracts, seaweed, and beneficial microorganisms. However, not all biostimulants are purely natural. Some products may include synthetic components or be processed using chemical methods. It is essential to distinguish between natural and synthetic biostimulants when considering their use in sustainable agriculture.

Natural biostimulants are typically preferred in organic farming systems and by those seeking environmentally friendly solutions. These products leverage the inherent properties of natural materials to enhance plant growth and soil health without relying on synthetic chemicals.

Biostimulant vs. Fertilizers

The primary difference between biostimulants and fertilizers lies in their functions:

  • Fertilizers: These provide essential nutrients (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) directly to the plant, facilitating growth and development. Fertilizers address nutrient deficiencies and supply the necessary elements for photosynthesis, respiration, and other metabolic processes.
  • Biostimulants: These do not supply nutrients directly. Instead, they improve the plant’s ability to utilize available nutrients and withstand environmental stresses. Biostimulants enhance natural processes such as root development, nutrient uptake, and stress resilience, thereby supporting overall plant health.

In essence, fertilizers feed the plant, while biostimulants help the plant make better use of the nutrients it receives.

Examples of Biostimulants

Seaweed Extract

One well-known example of a biostimulant is seaweed extract. Seaweed extracts are rich in phytohormones, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that promote plant growth and development. When applied to plants, seaweed extracts can enhance root growth, increase nutrient uptake, and improve resistance to stress conditions.

Humic Acid

Another example is humic acid, a complex organic molecule found in soil organic matter. Humic acid improves soil structure, enhances water retention, and facilitates nutrient absorption by plants. It also stimulates microbial activity in the soil, contributing to a healthier soil ecosystem.

Amino Acid Complexes

Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are essential for plant growth and development. Amino acid complexes used as biostimulants can be derived from plant or animal sources. When applied to plants, these complexes can improve nutrient uptake, enhance photosynthesis and increase the plant’s tolerance to environmental stresses such as drought and salinity.

Protein Hydrolysates

Protein hydrolysates are derived from the enzymatic or chemical hydrolysis of animal or plant proteins. These biostimulants provide a readily available source of peptides and amino acids that promote root and shoot growth, enhance nutrient uptake, and improve stress tolerance in plants.

Microbial Inoculants

Beneficial microorganisms such as mycorrhizal fungi, rhizobacteria, and nitrogen-fixing bacteria serve as powerful biostimulants. These microbes form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, enhancing nutrient availability and uptake. For example, mycorrhizal fungi extend the root system through their hyphae, increasing the surface area for water and nutrient absorption, while rhizobacteria can produce growth-promoting substances like auxins and gibberellins.

What Are Biostimulant Benefits?

The value of biostimulants depends on various factors, including crop type, environmental conditions, and specific agricultural practices. Here are some potential benefits that make biostimulants worth considering:

  1. Increased Yields: By improving nutrient uptake and stress tolerance, biostimulants can lead to higher crop yields and better-quality produce.
  2. Sustainability: Biostimulants promote sustainable farming practices by enhancing soil health and reducing the need for chemical inputs.
  3. Economic Efficiency: While biostimulants can be more expensive than traditional fertilizers, their ability to improve plant health and reduce crop losses can lead to long-term cost savings.
  4. Environmental Benefits: Using biostimulants can mitigate environmental impacts associated with excessive fertilizer and pesticide use, contributing to a more sustainable agricultural system.

Overall, biostimulants can be a valuable addition to integrated crop management strategies, offering benefits for both productivity and sustainability.

Market for Biostimulants

The global market for biostimulants has been experiencing significant growth, driven by increasing demand for sustainable agricultural practices and the need to enhance crop resilience in the face of climate change. Key factors influencing the market include:
Rising Awareness: Farmers and agronomists are becoming more aware of the benefits of biostimulants in improving crop yields and quality while minimizing environmental impact.

Regulatory Support: Governments and regulatory bodies are promoting the use of biostimulants as part of sustainable agriculture policies, encouraging their adoption.

Technological Advancements: Innovations in biostimulant formulations and application methods are enhancing their effectiveness and ease of use.

Growing Organic Farming: The increasing popularity of organic farming practices is driving demand for natural and sustainable biostimulant products.

According to market research, the biostimulant market is projected to continue its growth trajectory, with significant opportunities for expansion in both developed and developing regions.

Mechanisms of Action: How Biostimulants Promote Plant Growth

Biostimulants encompass a diverse range of products, including microbial inoculants, enzymes, seaweed extract, amino acids, and humic substances, which influence plant growth through various mechanisms. These substances work primarily by enhancing nutrient availability, modifying hormone levels, and stimulating natural growth processes. For instance, seaweed extracts are known for their rich content of cytokinin and auxins, natural plant hormones that can significantly accelerate cell division and growth. Humic acids improve the soil structure, which in turn enhances the efficiency of nutrient absorption by expanding the root surface area available for nutrient uptake. These actions facilitate an improved developmental rate for plants, leading to increased biomass and yield.

Trends in Biostimulants

Several key trends are shaping the biostimulant industry:

  1. Increased Focus on Research and Development: Companies are investing in R&D to develop more effective and targeted biostimulant products, incorporating advanced technologies and scientific insights.
  2. Expansion of Product Portfolios: Manufacturers are broadening their product offerings to include a diverse range of biostimulants, tailored to specific crops and environmental conditions.
  3. Integration with Digital Agriculture: The use of digital tools and precision agriculture technologies is enhancing the application and monitoring of biostimulants, optimizing their benefits.
  4. Sustainability and Environmental Impact: There is a growing emphasis on developing biostimulants that are environmentally friendly and support sustainable farming practices.
  5. Regulatory Developments: Regulatory frameworks for biostimulants are evolving, with clearer guidelines and standards being established to ensure product quality and efficacy.

Raw Materials for Biostimulants

Biostimulants can be derived from a wide range of raw materials, including:

  • Plant Extracts: Various parts of plants, such as leaves, roots, and seeds, are used to extract beneficial compounds. Examples include aloe vera, moringa, and alfalfa extracts.
  • Seaweed and Algae: Seaweed, particularly brown and red algae, is a common source of biostimulants to improve soil health and plant growth.
  • Microbial Inoculants: Beneficial bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms are cultured and used as biostimulants to improve soil health and plant growth.
  • Humic Substances: Humic and fulvic acids, derived from decomposed organic matter, are used to enhance soil fertility and nutrient availability.
  • Amino Acids and Proteins: These can be obtained from plant or animal sources and are used to promote plant growth and stress tolerance.
  • Compost and Vermicompost: Organic compost and vermicompost.

Economic and Environmental Impact of Using Biostimulants

The adoption of biostimulants also presents substantial economic benefits. By increasing crop yield and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, farmers can achieve a higher return on investment. The reduction in chemical use further contributes to cost savings and minimizes environmental pollution. Additionally, healthier plants and improved soil fertility contribute to long-term sustainability, which is crucial for the future of farming.

Environmentally, biostimulants contribute to sustainability by reducing the dependency on synthetic agrochemicals, which are often linked to negative impacts such as soil degradation, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity. By enhancing the natural growth processes and resilience of plants, biostimulants promote a more balanced ecosystem. Furthermore, the use of natural and organic components in biostimulants aligns with organic farming practices, supporting the global trend towards organic and eco-friendly farming methods.


Biostimulants represent a transformative approach to modern agriculture, offering a range of benefits that extend beyond traditional fertilization methods. These substances or microorganisms enhance nutrient efficiency, improve abiotic stress tolerance, and elevate crop quality traits, all without directly supplying nutrients. Instead, biostimulants facilitate the plant’s ability to absorb and utilize the nutrients present in the soil, fostering healthier, more resilient crops. Derived from diverse natural sources such as plant extracts, algae, seaweeds, composts, and microbial inoculants, biostimulants are increasingly recognized for their role in sustainable agriculture. Their application can lead to improved plant growth. This makes biostimulants an integral part of a holistic approach to plant nutrition and health.

Environmentally, biostimulants offer significant advantages. They reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, thereby minimizing chemical runoff and soil contamination. The use of biostimulants aligns with sustainable farming practices, supporting the long-term health of agricultural ecosystems. Despite their benefits, it is important to distinguish between natural and synthetic biostimulants. While many are derived from natural sources, some may include synthetic components or undergo chemical processing.

The global market for biostimulants is expanding rapidly, driven by increased awareness, regulatory support, technological advancements, and the growing popularity of organic farming. This growth reflects a broader shift towards sustainable agricultural practices that prioritize environmental health and crop resilience.

In terms of economic impact, biostimulants can offer substantial benefits. While they may initially be more costly than traditional fertilizers, their ability to improve plant health and reduce crop losses can lead to significant long-term savings. Furthermore, their environmental benefits, such as reduced chemical use and lower carbon footprint, contribute to the overall sustainability of agricultural systems.

In conclusion, biostimulants are a valuable tool for modern agriculture, promoting both productivity and sustainability. They enhance the natural processes that support plant growth, improve soil health, and reduce the environmental impact of farming. As the market for biostimulants continues to grow, they will likely play an increasingly important role in the future of agriculture, helping farmers meet the challenges of climate change and resource management while supporting global food security.