Brazil continues to be an important agricultural producer in the global market accounting for 7.3% of global agriculture exports. A leading exporter of soybeans, corn, sugar, meat, coffee and ethanol, Brazil is expected to have more growth, due to rising global demand, strong prices and technological advances. AgriThority also continues to see growth in market, business and product development projects in Brazil.
We led 39 trials in Brazil on a wide variety of crops in various growing conditions in the field and greenhouse for biological and seed treatment products. We expect Brazil to continue to be an important market for our clients’ expansion.
Climate Affects Yield
The summer grain harvest recently concluded in Brazil and the Brazillian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) estimates output to grow 3.3 percent from 2021 and top 265 million tons in 2022. The climate in the Southeast and Center-West of Brazil (Minas Gerais, Goiás and Mato Grosso) was conducive to the development of row crops and produced good yields. In contrast, the drought conditions in the Southern region of Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul, Parana and Rio Grande do Sul) were unfavorable for crops and suffered considerable yield losses.

While overall output for row crops is expected to grow in 2022, Brazil’s National Association of Grain Exporters (Anec) expects to export 10.795 metric tons of soybeans in June, a 20.7 percent reduction from the prior year. AgriThority conducted six TrialWerx large-scale soybean trials this season. All trials were installed in drought-free areas and produced very good results.
Biocontrol Products Show Potential
The climate was also favorable for the appearance of diseases in the fruit and vegetable biofungicides trials. This season, AgriThority tested seven biofungicide products, three bionematicide products and three biotechnology products across 8 different crops, including corn, soybeans, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, grape and apple.

Throughout the trials, biocontrol products showed positive results and confirmed the potential of this class of products in the integrated management of pests and diseases. The best results were obtained when biological products were integrated into the farmer’s management, that is, alternated with different products instead of exclusive and successive applications of the same product, whether biological or agrochemical.
To help move your innovation to market or hear more about our capabilities in South America, reach out to AgriThority today. Our international footprint, combined with our deep understanding of market and producer dynamics, helps you leap hurdles and overcome barriers to set up your products for success.
Forward-thinking agriculture experts with deep scientific experience are the core of AgriThority®. As an independent global science consultancy, we focus on exploring potential, expanding market access and evolving production for greater food security and sustainability. When your Research is ready for Development, turn to AgriThority for scientific business, market and product expertise.