Moving Biologicals from R to D

At the 2021 Biostimulants World Congress, Gloverson Moro, Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer, presented a poster on the topic “Moving Biologicals from R to D.” The poster focused on adopting a stage-gate process and technology transfer to better manage risks and resources.  Click the link or image to expand. When your agricultural technology is moving from Research into […]

Optimizing Yield Starts with Best Management Practices (BMPs)

At the 2021 Biostimulants World Congress, Tony Pardo, AgriThority® Global Manager, Client Services, presented a poster on the topic “Prepare your product to compete through farmer-tested, field-proven TrialWerx®.” The poster focused optimizing yield and best management practices for farmers, their advisors and sales agronomists. Click the link or image to expand. When your agricultural technology […]

Evaluation of Biostimulants for Plant Stress Tolerance

Overcoming Challenges for an Objective Assessment in Field Trials

At the 2021 Biostimulants World Congress, Ignacio Colonna, AgriThority Global Director, Science and Technology spoke and presented a poster on the topic “Evaluation of Biostimulants for Plant Stress Tolerance.” The talk and poster focused on overcoming challenges for an objective assessment in field trials.  Click the link or image to expand. [metaslider id=”6241″] When your agricultural […]

Five Considerations Preceding Regulatory and Commercialization

Five Considerations Preceding Regulatory and Commercialization

Like most new concepts, technology starts at the beginning of a product development process. Hungry and talented technologists often cannot cover all the product development bases when it comes to getting their new concepts to market. At AgriThority®, we use a disciplined, proven Prescriptive Response™ development process to help fill gaps for innovators and research-driven companies.   As we lay out the activities specifically related to global registration and commercialization, consider five critical elements:   Consider the components of your product and their supply chain  Your dossier will include […]

Regulatory Planning Requires Discipline to Avoid Disappointment

Regulatory Planning Requires Discipline to Avoid Disappointment

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Challenges of Proving Biostimulants & Biofertilizers

As one of the fastest growing segments of agricultural inputs, biological products are typically categorized as biostimulants, biopesticides or biofertilizers. The active ingredients in biologic products, by definition, are derived from naturally occurring microorganisms, plant extracts, beneficial insects or other organic matter. The nature of living organisms and natural chemistries in biologic products present unique […]

Future of Agricultural Experimentation

Future of Agricultural Experimentation

Agricultural experimentation has been evolving over the thousands of years humans have been growing plants. Historically done by farmers in their fields, agricultural experimentation expanded into scientists conducting laboratory tests before taking a product to the field. The agricultural experimentation in labs, greenhouses and small plots continues to evolve with more precise ways to measure […]

Plant Characterization Technologies Aid Analysis

Cutting-edge techniques and procedures are used to characterize the response of a wide range of crops to more than 160 technologies studied over the past 10 years.  Whether seed, soil or foliar applications, the measurement techniques or procedures are continually updated by our international research and development experts.  AgriThority, in collaboration with experienced independent registered […]