AgriThority® Scientists Attend the NAICC Conference

In late January, AgriThority® scientists Krishan Jindal, Ph.D., Madhu Jindal, Ph.D., and Dave Guthrie, Ph.D. attended the National Alliance of Crop Consultants (NAICC) Conference in Orlando, Florida. The conference provided a good platform for networking and allowed AgriThority associates the opportunity refresh their knowledge about new developments in agriculture and understanding grower’s needs.   Breakout […]

Three Key Considerations when Testing Biostimulants

Ignacio Colonna Biostimulants World Congress

Ignacio Colonna, Global Director Science and Technology, recently presented at Biostimulants World Congress, Miami on the topic “Evaluation of Biostimulants for Plant Stress Tolerance: Overcoming Challenges for an Objective Assessment of Field Trials.“    Following the presentation, Ignacio sat down for an interview with New Ag International to discuss three key considerations when testing biostimulant products aimed at improving plant tolerance to drought and heat stress. They are:   […]

AgriThority® Hosts On-Farm Technology Adoption Roundtable Sept. 28  

World Agri-Tech London

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Mary Jane Duff – (816) 841-0922,  AgriThority® Hosts On-Farm Technology Adoption Roundtable Sept. 28   (Kansas City, Missouri, USA — Oct. 15, 2021) During the World AgriTech London Summit, AgriThority® hosted a roundtable on the topic, “Overcoming Barriers to On-Farm Technology Adoption.”   Ignacio Colonna, AgriThority Global Director, Science and Technology, led the virtual discussion with participants from many sectors of agriculture, including vertical farming, drones and imaging, biotech, decision-making software, and technology development.   “We had a great discussion on the […]

AgriThority® Experts Selected to Present at Biostimulants World Congress

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Mary Jane Duff – (816) 841-0922, AgriThority® Experts Selected to Present at Biostimulants World Congress    (Kansas City, Missouri, USA — 22 Sept. 2021) AgriThority® experts are speaking about biostimulant research, late-stage product development and the importance of disciplined development process at the Biostimulants World Congress in Miami starting Nov. 29.  This annual conference is a leading event devoted to agricultural biostimulants and allows delegates to learn from the scientific and […]

AgriThority® Hosted Roundtable on Accessing New Markets

Accessing New Markets: A Disciplined Product Development Approach

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Mary Jane Duff – (816) 841-0922,  AgriThority Hosted Roundtable on Accessing New Markets: A Disciplined Product Development Approach  (Kansas City, Missouri, USA — July 19, 2021) AgriThority® hosted a roundtable on the topic, “Accessing New Markets:  A Disciplined Product Development Approach” during the World AgriTech South America Summit.   Gloverson Moro, AgriThority Chief Technology Officer, led the discussion with participants from many sectors of agriculture who gathered virtually from around the globe.  […]

AgriThority® Hosting Roundtable on Accessing New Markets

AgriThority® Hosting Roundtable on Accessing New Markets

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Mary Jane Duff – (816) 841-0922,  AgriThority® Hosting Roundtable on Accessing New Markets  (Kansas City, Missouri, USA — 16 June 2021) As a silver sponsor of the World AgriTech South America Summit, June 29-30, 2021,  AgriThority® is hosting a roundtable on the topic, “Accessing New Markets:  A Disciplined Product Development Approach.”    On Wednesday, June 30 from 1.00 – 1:30 p.m. Brasilia Time, Gloverson Moro, AgriThority […]

AgriThority®, Silver Sponsor of the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit

AgriThority Silver Partner of World AgriTech Innovation Summit

As a silver sponsor of the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit, AgriThority® representatives Fred Tennant, Jerry Duff and Tony Pardo spent March 9-10, 2021, attending World Agri-Tech virtually. Tennant reported that although we missed meeting in person, the virtual summit was a bright spot in March to spur thoughts about innovation, hear from other parts of the industry, and connect with new people while reconnecting with many old […]

The Germinative Power of Soybean Seed, a presentation at the Argentinian Seed Congress

AgriThority® Research Manager Ignacio Colonna presented “Association of Pre-harvest Weather Variables with the Germinative Power of Soybean Seed in the central Pampean region” at the Argentinian Seed Congress. Read the summary below. Association of pre-harvest weather variables with the germinative power of soybean seed in the central Pampean region Previous studies have evidenced frequent patterns […]

Argentinian Seed Congress Presentation: Soybean Germination Quality in the Argentinian Pampas

AgriThority® Research Manager Ignacio Colonna presented an analysis of Soybean Germination Quality in the Argentinian Pampas at the Argentinian Seed Congress presentation. Below, read a summary of the presentation, “Variability within and across years in the quality of soybean germination in the Argentinean Pampas: Analysis of a 5-year database.” In the Argentinean Pampas region, significant […]