Exceed the Seed Symposium Introduces Breakthrough Technologies to Sold-out Crowd

Kansas City, Missouri, USA — AgriThority®, an agricultural product development company specializing in accelerating new technologies to commercialization in markets around the world, hosted a sold-out crowd for presentations on advancements for seed, soil and crop production at the 6th Annual Exceed the Seed® Symposium.

The Symposium of seed treatment and technology advances was held December 3rd at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago, immediately preceding the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) CSS & Seed Expo. Presentations from Indigo Agriculture, Douglas Products Plant Health Division, NewLeaf Symbiotics, Pivot Bio, Marrone Bio Innovations, Trace Genomics and USC, LLC addressed industry issues and opportunities to increase plant health and crop performance.

This year’s event revealed an increased emphasis on the soil microbiome, feeding nutrients to the plant and biological technologies applied alone, or in combination with synthetic chemistries, for higher crop yield. Participants learned how a better understanding of the soil influences input decisions, as well as how seed treatment equipment is changing to meet the new era that’s driven by the microbiome.

In line with previous years, Exceed the Seed received high ratings from attendees and presenters for delivering valuable content and interesting speakers. Feedback rated this year’s Symposium EXCELLENT, averaging a 4.3 out of five for its content and speaker quality as well as the informative value of the event.

Exceed the Seed has established a reputation for delivering a great agenda, and also providing networking opportunities for global leaders in the seed industry. A record 92 registered attendees represented diverse backgrounds from seed research and development to global seed treatment business managers and individuals from investment groups, universities, associations and contract research organizations.

“Participants recognize the growing role of biosciences in agriculture and are seeing data proving efficacy at the grower level,” says Jerry Duff, AgriThority President and Founder. “AgriThority takes pride in presenting innovations for increased sustainability and production, and will work with companies from ag tech startups to major global brands to accelerate commercialization of new technologies to improve best management practices.”

AgriThority is scheduling the 2019 Exceed the Seed in Chicago prior to the ASTA CSS 2019 & Seed Expo. For more information and to view this year’s proceedings, visit ExceedTheSeed.com.

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