The agriculture industry is known for generating a lot of data. Companies develop trial data, growers capture field data, and satellites, sensors, tractors and drones all collect data. World Bank estimates the data bank is going to grow to around 4.1 million data points daily for each farm by 2050. With so much data, the difficulty is in useful analysis to extract valuable and actionable insights. Without those insights and learnings, many questions remain unanswered about new innovations and commercially available products alike. New StatWerx™ by AgriThority® delivers insights and answers at multiple development and commercial stages.
Specific Questions to Answer
Four clear, specific questions need to be answered from product performance data:
- How should future development be focused?
- How robust and predictable is product performance and potential positioning?
- How credible are our data?
- How does the product perform in specific environments, management practices and crop production systems?
To answer these questions in various stages of development through the StatWerx™ process, AgrThority® analysts deliver clean, enriched and searchable databases that support actionable insights with recommendations for the future.
Where StatWerx™ Data Analytics Delivers
Deep, insightful data analytics supports many areas of product, market and business development, including:
- Strategic product and portfolio analyses
- Performance comparisons, evaluation and recommendations
- Technical positioning and Best Management Practices
- Technology transfer and Trialwerx® on-farm trials for BMP verification by environment
When conducting business or market development processes, data analytics solidifies competitive positioning, while generating messaging for technology transfer and training/extension. It also supports business development through technical due diligence or funding pitches.
StatWerx™ Successes
AgriThority® has conducted many data analytic projects that led to StatWerx™ services, including:
- Two Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) projects globally established product performance across management practices and environments to improve positioning for soybean and winter cereals.
- Peptide-based biostimulants via soil, seed and foliar applications on multiple broadacre and horticulture crops assessed product performance, detected development gaps, and recommended positioning in the U.S., Europe, Argentina and globally.
- Corn genetics with four years of farmer trials across Argentina for product performance across environments, positioning and knowledge transfer.
- Nitrogen use efficiency biological product for technical due diligence globally.
- New technology adjuvant for product performance assessment, benchmarking and detection of development gaps globally.
- Multiple biofertilizers for product performance across genetics and environments for positioning in Argentina.
When preparing your novel products to compete in real-world environments, don’t risk first-use failure. Engage our experienced StatWerx™ analytic team to build actionable insights for best management practices and to de-risk your go-to-market plans. This analytic program drives confidence, credibility and ROI. Farmer testing and experience must start positively to improve adoption. Reach out to the team today.