Expert Spotlight: Tony Pardo

Expert Spotlight: Tony Pardo

In our Expert Spotlight series, we focus on our AgriThority talent and the work they do. In their own words, you’ll learn about their global travels, and the crops, technologies and innovations they research. Through high school, I was heavily involved in 4-H, and I truly believe in this motto:   I pledge my head to clearer thinking,  My heart […]

Plant Characterization Technologies Aid Analysis

Cutting-edge techniques and procedures are used to characterize the response of a wide range of crops to more than 160 technologies studied over the past 10 years.  Whether seed, soil or foliar applications, the measurement techniques or procedures are continually updated by our international research and development experts.  AgriThority, in collaboration with experienced independent registered […]

Expert Spotlight: Krishan Jindal, Ph.D

Expert Spotlight: Krishan Jindal, Ph.D

In our Expert Spotlight series, we focus on our AgriThority talent and the work they do. In their own words, you’ll learn about their global travels, and the crops, technologies and innovations they research. I always excel in placing and managing the research and development (R&D) work using my 35 plus years’ experience in conducting field research studies on a wide range of broad acreage and specialty crops, including […]

AgriThority®, Silver Sponsor of the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit

AgriThority Silver Partner of World AgriTech Innovation Summit

As a silver sponsor of the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit, AgriThority® representatives Fred Tennant, Jerry Duff and Tony Pardo spent March 9-10, 2021, attending World Agri-Tech virtually. Tennant reported that although we missed meeting in person, the virtual summit was a bright spot in March to spur thoughts about innovation, hear from other parts of the industry, and connect with new people while reconnecting with many old […]

Global Growth in Business Drives Strategic Realignment at AgriThority®

AgriThority Accommodates Global Growth

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Mary Jane Duff – (816) 841-0922, Global Growth in Business Drives Strategic Realignment at AgriThority® (Kansas City, Missouri, USA — 2 March 2021)  AgriThority® announces strategic alignment moves including global leadership changes with emphasis on growth.  Key members of the team have elevated assignments to increase the company’s capacity and […]

AgriBusiness Global Survey Results

AgriBusiness Global Survey

Barriers Innovations Face When Entering New Markets Bringing novel products to successful commercialization has significant product development challenges. In fact, often the barriers to entry into the complicated and complex agricultural markets are so great that new products fail. R.G. Cooper estimates 48% of products fail in his article, “Identifying Industrial New Product Success.” In […]

2020/2021 Argentina and Brazil Report

When walking our field trials in Argentina and Brazil, we’ve not seen much visual difference between our control and tested areas. However, when we analyze the fields through TrialWerx ®, the AgriThority® large-scale, on-farm trial system, we can document variances.  Each season many variables can impact our trials, but this year, lack of rainfall is […]

8th Annual Exceed the Seed Symposium Begins Dec. 7, 2020, Online  

Exceed The Seed 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Mary Jane Duff – (816) 841-0922,    8th Annual Exceed the Seed Symposium Begins Dec. 7, 2020, Online   (Kansas City, Missouri, USA — Nov. 24, 2020)     For the past seven years, the Exceed the Seed® Symposium has been held in Chicago during ASTA CSS Conference week in December. Due to COVID restrictions, the 2020 Exceed the Seed will be held in four hour-long online events in December […]

Looking Deeper Than Yield: Plant Nutrition in the 21st Century

Plant Nutrition in the 21st Century

Plant nutrition is a key component in increasing and sustaining crop yield. In this 4-part series, AgriThority® scientists Gloverson Moro, Ph.D. and Dan Davidson, Ph.D. deliver insights on how fertilization is evolving.  Click the image below and sign up to read the full article.  Sign up to read the full article.  When your Research is […]

Expert Spotlight: Dan Davidson, Ph.D.

Forward-thinking agriculture experts with deep scientific experience are the core of AgriThority®. As an independent global science consultancy, we focus on exploring potential, expanding market access, and evolving production for greater food security and sustainability. When your Research is ready for Development, turn to AgriThority® for scientific product, business and market expertise. In this series […]

Expert Spotlight: Ignacio Colonna

Forward-thinking agriculture experts with deep scientific experience are the core of AgriThority®. As an independent global science consultancy, we focus on exploring potential, expanding market access, and evolving production for greater food security and sustainability. When your Research is ready for Development, turn to AgriThority for scientific product, business and market expertise. In this series […]

Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Cereals

The role of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in non-legume crops such as cereals as an alternate source to chemical fertilizers has been a longtime goal in science and industry. In recent years, new bacterial strains have been discovered and developed through a range of biotechnological approaches, showing a significant capacity to enhance plant growth in cereals through nitrogen fixation. BNF supplies a […]