8th Annual Exceed the Seed Symposium Begins Dec. 7, 2020, Online  

Exceed The Seed 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Mary Jane Duff – (816) 841-0922, mjduff@agrithority.com    8th Annual Exceed the Seed Symposium Begins Dec. 7, 2020, Online   (Kansas City, Missouri, USA — Nov. 24, 2020)     For the past seven years, the Exceed the Seed® Symposium has been held in Chicago during ASTA CSS Conference week in December. Due to COVID restrictions, the 2020 Exceed the Seed will be held in four hour-long online events in December […]

Looking Deeper Than Yield: Plant Nutrition in the 21st Century

Plant Nutrition in the 21st Century

Plant nutrition is a key component in increasing and sustaining crop yield. In this 4-part series, AgriThority® scientists Gloverson Moro, Ph.D. and Dan Davidson, Ph.D. deliver insights on how fertilization is evolving.  Click the image below and sign up to read the full article.  Sign up to read the full article.  When your Research is […]

Expert Spotlight: Dan Davidson, Ph.D.

Forward-thinking agriculture experts with deep scientific experience are the core of AgriThority®. As an independent global science consultancy, we focus on exploring potential, expanding market access, and evolving production for greater food security and sustainability. When your Research is ready for Development, turn to AgriThority® for scientific product, business and market expertise. In this series […]

Expert Spotlight: Ignacio Colonna

Forward-thinking agriculture experts with deep scientific experience are the core of AgriThority®. As an independent global science consultancy, we focus on exploring potential, expanding market access, and evolving production for greater food security and sustainability. When your Research is ready for Development, turn to AgriThority for scientific product, business and market expertise. In this series […]

Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Cereals

The role of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in non-legume crops such as cereals as an alternate source to chemical fertilizers has been a longtime goal in science and industry. In recent years, new bacterial strains have been discovered and developed through a range of biotechnological approaches, showing a significant capacity to enhance plant growth in cereals through nitrogen fixation. BNF supplies a […]

Expert Spotlight: Ricardo Duarte

Ricardo Duarte

Forward-thinking agriculture experts with deep scientific experience are the core of AgriThority®. As an independent global science consultancy, we focus on exploring potential, expanding market access, and evolving production for greater food security and sustainability. When your Research is ready for Development, turn to AgriThority® for scientific product, business and market expertise. In this series […]

Combining resources: AgriThority® & knoell

AgriThority and knoell Strategic Alliance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Jerry Duff, AgriThority, +1 (888) 891-0511, jduff@agrithority.com Michael Cleuvers, knoell, +49 214 20658 170, mcleuvers@knoell.com  Combining resources – AgriThority & knoell Now offering the complete product development and regulatory services for Agricultural Technology Companies from a single source – globally (Kansas City, Missouri, USA, and Mannheim Germany— August 26, 2020) Two global companies […]