Promising Results Shown for New Ag Innovations in 2024

A digital illustration of two hands holding a tablet displaying a bar chart with rising bars and text lines. A checkmark inside a circular design with small stars overlaps the lower part of the tablet. The image is enclosed in a green circular border.Evaluating the performance of more than 160 novel crop input technologies demonstrated potential for use on 14 crops across three continents. The innovations tested by AgriThority® included a broad range of synthetic and biological solutions, novel products, genetically modified regulated lines, plus inbreds and hybrids. The work in blueberries, camelina, canola, corn, cotton, cucumber, potatoes, rice, sorghum, soybeans, squash, strawberries, turfgrass and wheat spanned 25 states in the U.S., three Canadian provinces (AB, MB, and SK), Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Europe. Greenhouse, small and large plot field studies showed promising results for the tested ag innovations with notable outcomes.

1. Biofungicide

A foliar-applied microbial biofungicide provided statistically comparable control of grey mold in strawberries to a commercially available fungicide at two locations as a proof-of-concept study for its registration in Mexico. Integrating this biofungicide into the conventional synthetic spray program for the control of grey mold disease on strawberries could reduce the likelihood of resistance and could increase the life of synthetic chemistries while potentially reducing the volume required.

2. Bioinsecticides

One new bioinsecticide tested reduced the population and damage of chinch bugs on turfgrass and sugarcane aphids on sorghum. The performance was equal to, or greater than, the conventional chemical insecticides. Another bioinsecticide reduced the population of whiteflies on cotton and cucurbits. These biopesticides can be amalgamated in the Integrated Pest Management Programs to manage key pests with a reduced probability of resistance, thus increasing the lifespan of synthetic chemistries with potentially less insecticide residue.

Overall, AgriThority® experts in Europe, the U.S. and LATAM noticed the levels of efficacy biocontrols achieved are comparable to those of existing commercial products, though they differ from the effects of chemical-based products. This reinforces the idea of using biosolutions within alternating product schemes, rather than aiming to completely replace chemical usage.

3. Herbicide Formulations—Both Bio and Chemical

One bioherbicide derived from plant extracts applied in different combinations with industry-standard herbicides improved suppression of broadleaf weeds.

Other new synthetic formulations developed with nanotechnology provided the same control of broadleaves and grasses with 20 to 50 percent less active ingredient per acre compared to conventional formulations used by growers across the U.S. The new formulations enhanced the efficiency in terms of penetration speed, and better control. At lower active ingredient rates of the nanotechnology formulations, weed control was comparable to conventional formulations. Compatibility studies were also conducted with four nanotechnology formulations. The physical compatibility of each formulation was evaluated in mixtures with hard and soft water and with their most likely tank mix partners. Compatibility with hard and soft water was confirmed for all novel formulations. Nanoparticle technology produced herbicide formulations with improved compatibility in most anticipated tank mixtures compared to commercial formulations of the same active ingredients.

Wind Tunnel and Humidome Analysis

Two nanoparticle formulations contained hormone herbicides that are known to present risk of non-target plant injury in certain formulations due to volatility and drift potential. Standard EPA protocol low-speed wind tunnel and humidome studies were conducted to determine potential for drift and volatility of these formulations.

In the wind tunnel studies, selected tank mixtures were applied using the standard spray nozzles specified in the EPA protocols. Droplet size data from the wind tunnel were analyzed using the USDA AgDisp predictive model. The AgDisp model predicted one of the nanoparticle formulations to produce equal to or less than the downwind movement of commercial reduced drift formulations of the same active ingredient. The other nanoparticle formulation was predicted to result in more downwind movement than the commercial reduced drift formulation of the same active ingredient. Some tank mixtures were shown to produce more downwind movement than the nanoparticle formulation alone and would thus not be recommended as tank mix partners for the nanoparticle formulation.

A humidome study was conducted to determine the volatility of each of the nanoparticle hormone herbicide formulations relative to the defined benchmark commercial formulation, classified as reduced volatility formulation of the same active ingredient. One of the nanoparticle formulations was more volatile than the commercial baseline reduced volatility formulation of the same active ingredient. Nanoparticle formulations of the other hormone herbicide were equal to, or less, volatile than the baseline commercial reduced volatility formulation of the same active ingredient. One common tank mix partner tested with this formulation was shown to destroy the reduced volatility characteristic of this formulation and would thus be an unacceptable tank mix partner for it.

Tank-mix stability tests were conducted as part of the analytical phase of the humidome study. These studies showed that all tank mixes were stable during the study. These results indicated that tank mix stability of any of the tested mixtures would be commercially acceptable for at least 48 hours.

4. Biofertilizer Humic and Fulvic Acid-Based

Five biofertilizers consisting of different materials applied as preplant broadcast before planting and as a foliar application later enhanced the yield of corn, cotton, soybeans, and wheat. The results also demonstrated no negative effect on growth, uptake of nutrients, and soil health in the 2024 U.S. field studies.

5. Biofertilizer Microbe Based

Biofertilizers with a consortium of microbes combined different modes of action were applied in furrow (IF) at planting or as a seed treatment before planting. Improvements were shown by better early plant establishment, plant growth, nutrient availability, uptake by the plants, and increased yield of corn, rice, soybeans, and strawberries in the small and large plot field studies in NORAM. Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria in the biofertilizer produce organic acids and enzymes that increase the availability of phosphate retained in the soil and organic matter and the productive potential of the crops. Another biofertilizer aided in microbial activity and increased micronutrient uptake and potentially assists in decomposing crop residues.

6. Synthetic Fertilizer

A mono-ammonium Phosphate (MAP) coated with a set of microbes that stimulates the microbial activity in soil for increased nutrient uptake applied as pre-plant broadcast incorporated into the soil and a liquid ammonium polyphosphate and Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) applied as pre-plant broadcast incorporated in soil in different combinations with two microbial products applied IF at planting provided more canola, corn, and soybeans compared to the standard conventional MAP and TSP.

One new phosphorus fertilizer with a more efficient phosphorus delivery system resulted in a 25% reduction of phosphorus requirement compared to the GSP while maintaining the same yield of corn by maximizing nutrient uptake and storing the excess nutrients as a natural buffer and releasing them only when needed. Another synthetic fertilizer with an all-in-one water-soluble nutritional package with a low salt index applied IF alone and with a biochar extract product enhanced the yield of corn and potatoes in the field studies.

7. Biostimulants

Biochar extract is a biological seed treatment product that enhanced the growth and yield of canola when applied as a slurry seed treatment before planting in the field studies in the U.S. and Canada. Four other proprietary biological seed treatment products from biochar were applied as a seed treatment.

When analyzing the biostimulant market for client work, it is evident that in the EU, chemical products are being banned and removed and leaving producers without viable solutions due to the slow registration process for new bioproducts and their comparatively lower effectiveness. At the same time, while there are many products available with highly variable modes of action and compositions, there are still gaps in meeting producers’ needs regarding effects and targets. This presents an opportunity for companies to develop new products to address these challenges.

Furthermore, the importance of the quality of efficacy data supporting the product claims is emphasized as a key factor for standing out as a chosen product among the many available, along with offering something different from what is already on the market.

8. Novel Product

A novel product that catalyzes the hydrolysis of phytic acid and releases phosphorus, zinc, and other minerals in inorganic form showed some significant differences. These included increased absorption by the plants applied in furrow at planting and improved TSP performance. Results showed enhanced plant growth and yield of canola, corn, and soybeans. The differences in response were more visible at the early plant growth stage compared to late growth and in corn plants compared to canola and soybeans.

9. Genetically Modified Camelina and Soybeans

The AgriThority® team evaluated spring and winter lines of the Camelina with and without herbicide tolerance genes in stewarded trials at three sites in MN, MT, and ND. Results showed that genetically modified camelina with herbicide tolerance genes can be grown effectively in the Midwest and Pacific Northwest U.S., and it can be an alternative to winter wheat and other winter crops, particularly in areas that have limited irrigation or less rain. Successfully conducted the seed increase of 22 soybean lines with nutrient use efficiency in the greenhouse and performance trials in the field.

10. Performance of Genetic Material

AgriThority® evaluated the purity of hybrids and inbreds of grain and fodder sorghum through grow-out characterization. All the inbreds and hybrids had one or more types of contamination. Evaluated commercial cotton hybrids in large plots through TrialWerx® for their agronomic characteristics.

Additionally, AgriThority® shipped populations of the species Drosophila suzukii from Argentina to the U.S. to conduct compatibility and competitiveness evaluations of sterile males produced through gene editing when they were crossed with Argentine populations (biotypes). This was a significant step, as it represents the first stage of evaluation that will enable the transport of sterile males for release in different regions and countries to control the pest.

A significant piece of the AgriThority® regulatory service offering includes state registrations and maintenance. The registration pathway varies state by state and is dependent on the classification of each product. We registered soil amendments, soil conditioners, and fertilizers in 2024. After registering a product, the manufacturer is required to submit either monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual tonnage reports. AgriThority® acted as the registration agent and submitted these reports to the states on behalf of the manufacturer for 150+ state registrations.

The full regulatory scope of these projects can also include label creation, label review, trials for efficacy data, and a general review of all submission elements needed to apply for registrations.

Reach out to AgriThority® for your business, market and product development needs, as well as regulatory and sustainability counsel. Our international footprint, combined with our deep understanding of the market and producer dynamics, helps you to leap hurdles and overcome barriers to set up your products for success.

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