Protocol Design and Site Selection Are Critical To Achieve Development Objectives

Dr. Gloverson Moro and Ignacio Colonna walk a potential plot in Hickman, Calif. Site selection and protocol designs are a major focus for every small and large plot trial AgriThority conducts.

Less risk and more reward are achievable with a strategic approach to early and late stages of product development. Once field trials are initiated, site selection and protocol design drive the quality of performance data and support the ultimate product position and successful use. Key factors that positively or negatively impact product performance must be […]

Are Your Strategies Built for Extraordinary Results?

Article thumbnail image with a merged image of a lighthouse shining over a field of crops and the text, "AgrInsights™ from AgriThority®: Are Your Strategies Build for Extraordinary Results?"

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Counter Season Performance Trials Optimize Data

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A Disciplined Stage Gate Development Process for Your Ag Innovation is Critical

Arrow illustration of the stages of the AgriThority® Prescriptive Response Development Service.

James Baker famously said, “Prior preparation prevents poor performance.” Innovative researchers around the world are generating new scientific and creative concepts to potentially improve production agriculture. However, even the most brilliant new concepts may not become viable commercial products. Proper development is as much about process as it is about science. It’s imperative to develop […]

Expert Spotlight: Eleonora Da Riva

AgriThority Expert Spotlight: Eleonora Da Riva

In our Expert Spotlight series, we focus on our AgriThority® talent and the work they do. In their own words, you’ll learn about their global travels, and the crops, technologies and innovations they research. Throughout my career in R&D and AgTech, I’ve had the chance to work with a diverse range of crops and tested […]

Large-Scale, On-Farm Data Analysis Critical for Technology Transfer and Adoption 

Every point in the development process has value. But in late development through launch stages when transferring a new technology to the farmgate, large-scale, on-farm data analysis is so important to build trust in positioning new technologies – especially biologicals. Despite exploding current and future investments into biologicals the last few years, growers still view […]

Agriculture Data Collection Technology Improving but Still Siloed

All levels of agriculture rely on data and the need for data continues to grow. Technology to collect that data has been improving at a rapid pace, especially in the last five years, but interoperability continues to be an issue. Unanalyzed and unapplied silos of data are barriers the agriculture industry must overcome as it […]

Three Trends in AgTech

Brett Lenz attends Tech Hub Live, agtech conference

Technology adoption is imperative in the agriculture industry to combat issues like global supply chain disruptions, rising material and energy costs, inflation, and regulatory pressures. Brett Lenz, AgriThority® Technology Transfer Product & Business Development Manager, recently attended Tech Hub Live, a leading event in agtech, to connect with industry experts and learn about novel technologies […]

Biocontrol LATAM Speakers Include AgriThority® Global Director, Science & Technology

Ignacio Colonna participated in a panel discussion, “Bridging the Gap between Regulation and Science” during Biocontrol LATAM in Santiago, Chile. Ignacio discussed experimental approaches to support regulatory processes and the evaluation of new biological input technologies​.   Key topics discussed included:   Product development process – timing and regulatory planning​  Testing challenges of new biological […]

World Agri-Tech South America Focus on Sustainability

Last month, 697 delegates from 30 different countries gathered in São Paulo, Brazil, for the World Agri-Tech South America Summit. As a Silver sponsor of the summit, AgriThority sent Jerry Duff and Ricardo Duarte to represent the company, and Horacio Buscaglia led a roundtable discussion, “Challenges of Moving into Markets Internationally.”   The agtech and biotech […]

Camelina Variety Trials Show Potential across the U.S.

Performance testing of Camelina as an alternative crop is building interest in North America. This carbon negative feed stock is used to generate biofuel and biodegradable bioplastic. Specifically new winter and spring Camelina varieties have shown a great potential for adaptability, performance and suitability for market acceptance in the warmer climates. This ancient oilseed crop […]

Brazil Harvest Update: Climate Affects Yield; Biocontrol Products Show Potential

Brazil Harvest 2022

Brazil continues to be an important agricultural producer in the global market accounting for 7.3% of global agriculture exports. A leading exporter of soybeans, corn, sugar, meat, coffee and ethanol, Brazil is expected to have more growth, due to rising global demand, strong prices and technological advances.  AgriThority also continues to see growth in market, business and […]