10 Challenges for Innovations Entering New Markets

10 Challenges for New Innovations

Focus on the Development in the R&D efforts helps move technologies toward successful commercialization with consistency and efficiency.  To prepare a new product for any market requires as much disciplined development process as it does science.  To move into new markets with confidence and less risk, consider these recommendations from Gloverson Moro, CTO, AgriThority® .  […]

Field Trials for the control of fungal diseases and nematodes in Strawberries

University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center (GCREC) in Wimauma, Florida

Ahh lovely, luscious strawberries—if only we could control fungal diseases and nematodes.   Challenging pests attacking strawberries and most other crops are the focus for our scientists who work with experts and innovative researchers across many disciplines. Many novel compounds are being evaluated for control of pests and diseases that can severely impact yields and quality […]

Why Disciplined Stage Gate Development Process is Critical

Post thumbnail with the title, "A Disciplined Stage Gate Development Process for Your Ag Innovation is Critical" and a headshot of Gloverson Moro, Ph.D.

Innovative researchers around the world are generating new scientific and creative concepts to potentially improve production agriculture. However, even the most brilliant new concepts may not become viable commercial products.   The movement from research into the early development phase starts with proving the product concept. The first steps should validate useful benefits and define the […]

Expert Spotlight: Silvina Marti Reta

Expert Spotlight: Silvina Marti Reta

In our Expert Spotlight series, we focus on our AgriThority® talent and the work they do. In their own words, you’ll learn about their global travels, and the crops, technologies and innovations they research. As a Research Assistant, I deliver high-quality information and trustworthy data to AgriThority® clients. I am well-versed in digital imaging root analysis, […]

AgriThority® Scientists Attend the NAICC Conference

In late January, AgriThority® scientists Krishan Jindal, Ph.D., Madhu Jindal, Ph.D., and Dave Guthrie, Ph.D. attended the National Alliance of Crop Consultants (NAICC) Conference in Orlando, Florida. The conference provided a good platform for networking and allowed AgriThority associates the opportunity refresh their knowledge about new developments in agriculture and understanding grower’s needs.   Breakout […]

Optimizing Yield Starts with Best Management Practices (BMPs)

At the 2021 Biostimulants World Congress, Tony Pardo, AgriThority® Global Manager, Client Services, presented a poster on the topic “Prepare your product to compete through farmer-tested, field-proven TrialWerx®.” The poster focused optimizing yield and best management practices for farmers, their advisors and sales agronomists. Click the link or image to expand. When your agricultural technology […]

Are your strategies built for extraordinary results?

Strategic Planning

The AgriThority® 3-phase facilitated strategic planning process requires factual Analysis, generates Alignment among key opinion leaders while building strategic imperatives and defining Actions for High-Impact Execution. Implementation of focused and timely action elements assigned by person is paramount.  Analysis includes internal facts and stats along with industry audits and market surveys. Building on traditional market research, AgriThority® analyzes information from many sources and augments with surveys to […]

Three Key Considerations when Testing Biostimulants

Ignacio Colonna Biostimulants World Congress

Ignacio Colonna, Global Director Science and Technology, recently presented at Biostimulants World Congress, Miami on the topic “Evaluation of Biostimulants for Plant Stress Tolerance: Overcoming Challenges for an Objective Assessment of Field Trials.“    Following the presentation, Ignacio sat down for an interview with New Ag International to discuss three key considerations when testing biostimulant products aimed at improving plant tolerance to drought and heat stress. They are:   […]

Expert Spotlight: Dave Guthrie

Expert Spotlight: Dave Guthrie, Ph.D.

In our Expert Spotlight series, we focus on our AgriThority® talent and the work they do. In their own words, you’ll learn about their global travels, and the crops, technologies and innovations they research. At my core I am a whole-plant physiologist with deep experience in products that impact crop development, yield and quality. My expertise in germplasm […]

Evaluation of Biostimulants for Plant Stress Tolerance

Overcoming Challenges for an Objective Assessment in Field Trials

At the 2021 Biostimulants World Congress, Ignacio Colonna, AgriThority Global Director, Science and Technology spoke and presented a poster on the topic “Evaluation of Biostimulants for Plant Stress Tolerance.” The talk and poster focused on overcoming challenges for an objective assessment in field trials.  Click the link or image to expand. [metaslider id=”6241″] When your agricultural […]

Industry Veteran Joins AgriThority® As Associate in Germany

Franz Brandl

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Mary Jane Duff – (816) 841-0922, mjduff@agrithority.com    Industry Veteran Joins AgriThority® As Associate in Germany  (Kansas City, Missouri, USA — December 8, 2021)  An agricultural product development company specializing in accelerating new technologies to commercialization around the world, AgriThority® expands the Europe, Middle East and Africa team with the addition of Franz Brandl, Ph.D., who joins the team as Senior Research & Development Manager – […]

Five Considerations Preceding Regulatory and Commercialization

Five Considerations Preceding Regulatory and Commercialization

Like most new concepts, technology starts at the beginning of a product development process. Hungry and talented technologists often cannot cover all the product development bases when it comes to getting their new concepts to market. At AgriThority®, we use a disciplined, proven Prescriptive Response™ development process to help fill gaps for innovators and research-driven companies.   As we lay out the activities specifically related to global registration and commercialization, consider five critical elements:   Consider the components of your product and their supply chain  Your dossier will include […]