World Agri-Tech South America Focus on Sustainability

Last month, 697 delegates from 30 different countries gathered in São Paulo, Brazil, for the World Agri-Tech South America Summit. As a Silver sponsor of the summit, AgriThority sent Jerry Duff and Ricardo Duarte to represent the company, and Horacio Buscaglia led a roundtable discussion, “Challenges of Moving into Markets Internationally.” The agtech and biotech […]
Critical Crop Production Issues Challenge Researchers and Growers

Despite all the technology developments and scientific breakthroughs, critical crop production issues continue to plague growers around the world. A recent review of production challenges with the AgriThority Board of Advisors raised five issues including citrus greening, fusarium wilt, coffee rust, sustainability validation and carbon sequestration. Citrus Greening threatens citrus production – particularly oranges — […]
Camelina Variety Trials Show Potential across the U.S.

Performance testing of Camelina as an alternative crop is building interest in North America. This carbon negative feed stock is used to generate biofuel and biodegradable bioplastic. Specifically new winter and spring Camelina varieties have shown a great potential for adaptability, performance and suitability for market acceptance in the warmer climates. This ancient oilseed crop […]
Brazil Harvest Update: Climate Affects Yield; Biocontrol Products Show Potential

Brazil continues to be an important agricultural producer in the global market accounting for 7.3% of global agriculture exports. A leading exporter of soybeans, corn, sugar, meat, coffee and ethanol, Brazil is expected to have more growth, due to rising global demand, strong prices and technological advances. AgriThority also continues to see growth in market, business and […]
Considerations When Developing Seed Treatment Technologies

Expanding pest control while reducing user and environmental impact are major advantages of seed treatments and continue to be important. Sustainability practices have been around for thousands of years but have gained heightened consumer awareness in the last decade, and the industry has responded with sustainability and regenerative agriculture practices. Seed applied technologies have a […]
Sustainability in Agriculture Requires Practical, Productive and Profitable Systems

While the U.S. government’s “Sustainability Primer” defines three pillars as Environmental, Social and Economic, at AgriThority® we believe sustainability in agriculture requires Practical, Productive and Profitable systems. We are devoted to the development of agricultural innovations to ensure practicality and productivity. For growers, sustainability is at the core of their operations to ensure profitability and […]
AgriThority® Continues Expansion in Europe with Addition of New Associates

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Mary Jane Duff – (816) 841-0922, AgriThority® Continues Expansion in Europe with Addition of New Associates (Kansas City, Missouri, USA — June 22, 2022) A product, market and business development company, AgriThority® continues to see increased demand for development projects for new agricultural innovations around the world. To […]
AgriThority® to Lead Roundtable at World Agri-Tech South America Summit

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Mary Jane Duff – (816) 841-0922, AgriThority® to Lead Roundtable at World Agri-Tech South America Summit (Kansas City, Missouri, USA — June 21, 2022) Market access is the goal for any new or growing venture. But how can novel agricultural innovations expand efficiently and successfully, especially if the […]
History of Seed Treatments

Seed treatments began in the early Egyptian and Roman periods when onion sap was one of the first recorded uses. Over the next few centuries, salt water, copper, arsenic and mercury were all used as seed treatments as surface disinfectants and protectants. In 1968, the first systemic fungicide was launched, and crop protection and seed […]
Counter Season Programming to Accelerate Stage Gate Process

The agricultural landscape is increasingly competitive. With investment in agriculture continuing to increase, companies have to move quickly to get into the game. But how can you move quickly if you miss a season? Design a product development testing plan in line with the product evaluation stage. To minimize failure, avoid skipping testing stages: don’t […]
10 Challenges for Innovations Entering New Markets

Focus on the Development in the R&D efforts helps move technologies toward successful commercialization with consistency and efficiency. To prepare a new product for any market requires as much disciplined development process as it does science. To move into new markets with confidence and less risk, consider these recommendations from Gloverson Moro, CTO, AgriThority® . […]
Field Trials for the control of fungal diseases and nematodes in Strawberries

Ahh lovely, luscious strawberries—if only we could control fungal diseases and nematodes. Challenging pests attacking strawberries and most other crops are the focus for our scientists who work with experts and innovative researchers across many disciplines. Many novel compounds are being evaluated for control of pests and diseases that can severely impact yields and quality […]